how alcohol consumption affects the game of poker

Does alcohol help in poker

A professional poker player, always sees the game as his job. If it is their job, then drinking alcohol in the workplace is unacceptable. The desire to earn money from this type of gambling can bring about various kinds of health changes in a player’s life. Alcohol can help relieve stress and can also aggravate an already unstable player’s condition. Let’s try to understand why gamblers give themselves over to the detrimental effects of hot drinks. Some of them help relieve stress, get rid of fear or just sink into a drowsy state after a long game.

There is a perception that poker players drink alcohol quite often. This is a picture that the average person can see when watching movies or reporting on poker series. Poker players don’t make a big secret out of it. Let’s take a look at what poker players who regularly spend time at the gambling table and earn a regular income from poker have answered. Here’s what they answered to the question, “Is it okay to drink while playing?”. Most professionals gave an affirmative answer to this question and admitted that alcohol helps them during a busy game. We are all human beings and poker players are just as susceptible to vices as anyone else. Earning money by playing poker can rob a person of money. Therefore, under the degree, huge losses and other unpleasant things cannot be ruled out.

Let’s talk about whether poker players should consume alcoholic beverages? A famous poker player “Purity” has given his opinion on the matter. His main occupation, for more than 10 years now, is making money from poker.

Purity talks about alcohol in poker

Hot drinks are a must-have attribute that every poker player uses regardless of the level. Alcohol is consumed not only by professionals, but also by amateurs of this entertainment. Stress is something that every PRO faces, and alcohol is a solution to this problem.

Purity also faced this scourge at the very beginning of his career. He became addicted to this addiction. It was normal for him to drink 2 glasses of whisky, diluted with cola. In this way, Purity tried to sink into sleep after another game, which knocked him out of his usual rhythm.

But don’t get too hung up on it, the main thing is to understand what you want from life, what the meaning is. Our hero went through this, and he managed to rethink a lot of things. He realized he should stop drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking.

Purity has also realized that you can enjoy life without using any dope, and he’s doing his best to take less stressful things.

whether players should consume alcohol while playing poker

Which dose won’t hurt you

It’s actually very difficult to answer this question, as the amount of alcohol has some effect on a person’s brain activity. Even if you try to control what you drink, sooner or later you will exceed the safe limit. Life is a field on which you have to constantly work, not only to earn money but also to get rid of bad habits. So any doping keeps you from working hard and ruins your health.

Hot drinks and stressful situations

When playing poker a player is influenced by various factors and as a result he gets stressed out trying to drink alcohol. But this is not a solution, simply look at the stressful situation from a different angle and stop drowning out one stressful situation in another.

Alcohol’s effect on the game

When talking about how alcohol affects the game, it is impossible to give a “negative” or “positive” characteristic. You have to take into account what is actually going on. Alcohol is not a panacea. For example, you may think that a certain dose of wine can improve blood circulation so that your brain works faster and you can make decisions in poker.

But if you can’t be brave and confident without a hot drink, this is fraught with problems. For starters, you need to figure out what’s causing the fear in you.

Before you start playing, try to reset your mindset and realise that alcohol is not helping you, but is your enemy in every situation in life.